Young people aged from 15 years and 9 months until their 21st birthday are able to access support if they have been on an eligible Child Protection order. The program’s which are delivered under the banner of Better Futures include: Better Futures, HomeStretch, Planning to Succeed and Leaving Care Housing and Support.
While still in care the allocated Youth Transition Advisor primarily provides support and advice to case managers and care teams in preparing young people to transition from care. As the young person nears the end of their order, the Youth Transition Advisor can increase support to the young person.
Support is focused on the Advantage Thinking 5 key service offers when providing supports, which include:
Support is based on need and will be constantly assessed during the 5 years Better Futures can provide support.
When Better Futures commences, the young person will be placed on one of the following support types. The support type being received is dependant on current circumstances, is flexible and can change throughout the five years.
Active Support is when the Youth Transition Advisor will undertake a Leaving Care Readiness Assessment with a focus on strengths, goals and aspirations. Provide 1:1 support and build a support plan with the young person and care team.
Active Holding is when support is not currently required or there is already adequate support. The Youth Transition Advisor will make contact every 3 months to see if support is required. Young people or case managers can call anytime requesting support.
Limited Support is 1 or 2 weeks of support for one off practical or financial assistance.
Better Futures brokerage can be accessed at anytime.
When a referral is made to the Better Futures Central Intake with the information you provide, a decision is made about which program can best provide support to the young person. This might also change through a young person’s time transitioning from care.
Better Futures connects young people at 15 years and 9 months with a support worker who will assist them as they transition from out-of- home care into adulthood; up until the age of 21.
HomeStretch is extending the age of care to 21 years. This is done by financially supporting carers or providing an accommodation allowance.
Planning to Succeed aims to support young people in the successful transition from residential care to independent living.
Leaving Care Housing and Support supports young people aged 16-18 years on an eligible Child Protection order and assessed at risk of homelessness or the ability to live independently.