Lee Garwood


Lee is the Chief Executive Officer of Maryvale Private Hospital. Lee is a nurse, holding 15 years of clinical and leadership experience in both the public and private healthcare sector across a wide range of surgical, medical, rehabilitation and mental health specialties.

Lee has a strong commitment in developing organisations by enhancing consumer experience, improving quality and safety systems, implementation of new services and community engagement. With a focus on delivering a quality service and improving patient safety, Lee has significant experience in accreditation processes against the National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards under ISO and ACHS frameworks.

Lee is heavily involved in the training and development of clinical and non-clinical staff and is an Adjunct Senior Teaching at Federation University Australia and Conjoint Senior Lecturer appointment at the University of Newcastle. Lee is also a member of the Academic Board and Deputy Chair of the Nursing Advisory Committee for the Institute of Health & Management contributing to the shaping of health education for aspiring health professionals.

Outside of the workplace, Lee enjoys giving back to the community by getting involved with Rotary and participating a number of local and international projects.

Our board
Nathan Voll
Priya Chandra
Bruce McDonald
James Lye
Nathan Voll
Priya Chandra
Bruce McDonald
James Lye