Nathan Voll


With more than 25 years of experience in the private and public sector in management, consulting and finance/accounting, Nathan is currently the Regional Finance Manager for South Eastern Victoria with the Department of Education and Training. 

He has considerable Board experience, serving on the Board of Latrobe Health Insurance since 2011 as well as Latrobe Community Health Services (8 years) and as a Board Director of West Gippsland Healthcare Group (6 years). 

Nathan is a Fellow of CPA Australia (Certified Practicing Accountant) and a Fellow of the AICD. Nathan is a Gippsland local and committed to improving the health, welfare and wellbeing of those in the local community. 

Our board
James Lye
Lee Garwood
Priya Chandra
Bruce McDonald
James Lye
Lee Garwood
Priya Chandra
Bruce McDonald