Along with rising rents, increased pressure on housing and the extreme challenges of COVID, fires and floods, it is becoming harder for many each day. Quantum supports those of all ages in need within the local Gippsland community from those experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness to those requiring foster care, youth services, crisis accommodation and victims of family violence. We provide case management services and strive to empower those in need to move through changing and often challenging circumstances.
The organisation is governed by a Board of Directors from a diverse membership of Gippsland based community members with broad skills across all areas of organisational governance. To ensure Quantum continues to assist Gippslanders in need, we are now looking for new Board Members to support the ongoing governance of the organisation.
This year we are looking for Board Members with a broad range of professional skills and experience including those with lived experience in the sector. Amongst the roles on offer, we are also seeking a CPA qualified professional. If you often wonder ‘how you can help’ and have a strategic mindset that could support Quantum’s ongoing response during these challenging times, please consider applying to join our Board.
Quantum believes the celebration of diversity makes us and the community stronger. We are committed to embracing everyone’s individual differences so that we can help create a strong workplace and community that is empowered to reach its potential. Our full diversity statement is available on our website.
For further information and/or to express interest, please phone Catherine Thomson on 0437 439 936 or email
For further information about our services call 1800 243 455 or follow this link Seeking Expressions of Interest for Board Directors – Quantum