The program aims to address the high demand for rental assistance in the Victorian Community to support Renters to stay in their homes.
The program assists renters by providing advocacy within Inner Gippsland.
Services are provided via a range of engagement options such as face to face contact, telephone, and video conferencing.
This new two-year initiative is funded by the State Government of Victoria as represented by the Department of Government Services (consumer Affairs Victoria).
The RSSP program only deals with private rental matters, ie: Renters living in Agent Managed and Private Landlord properties, Caravan Parks, and Rooming Houses. Services are provided over the phone and face to face in the community and can include the following types of assistance:
Assisting tenants in reviewing and explaining documents and providing information and advice on rights and processes
Assisting tenants by using a range of negotiation and advocacy techniques to resolve disputes with landlords, preparing documents relating to VCAT hearings or dispute resolution
Appearing with the tenant at VCAT hearings and supporting the tenant as an advocate
Renters are eligible for advocacy where the following applies: