Private Rental Assistance Program- PRAP
The Private Rental Assistance Program (PRAP) is able to be provided to households who are able to sustain private rental housing with time limited support.
What is the Private Rental Assistance Program?
The Private Rental Assistance Program provides financial assistance to eligible people.
The program is funded by the Department of Family, Fairness and Housing and is intended to
prevent or end homelessness and housing crisis by:
- Rapidly rehousing people capable of sustaining
private rental after initial support.
- Supporting ‘At Risk’ households to sustain affordable
and appropriate housing in the private rental market.
- Assisting people who currently live in crisis,
transitional or social housing to become independent
in the private rental market.
Who is eligible for assistance?
Private rental assistance is able to be provided to households who are able to sustain private rental housing with time limited support. You may be eligible for the program if one of the following applies to you:
- You are currently in the private rental market and are at risk of losing your tenancy due to personal crisis, short term financial crisis, rent arrears or tenancy dispute etc.
- You are currently homeless but can rapidly and sustainably be housed in the private rental market with short term assistance.
- You can sustain affordable and appropriate housing in the private rental market but need assistance with the transition from crisis, transitional or social housing.
What can the Private Rental Assistance brokerage be used for?
Examples of how the brokerage can be used are:
- Rent in advance or rental arrears.
- Costs associated with establishing a new tenancy, such as storage costs, debt relief, furniture, white goods, removalist costs or utility connections.
- Alleviation of debts or one-off financial assistance in times of crisis.
- Life skills training to learn about budgeting, bill payments, house maintenance and tenant rights and responsibilities.
How can I access the private rental program?
The Private Rental Assistance brokerage can be accessed via any of the following:
- An application can be lodged via self-referral at the Morwell or Warragul Quantum Support Services office.
- An application completed with the assistance from a support worker or Homeless Entry Point.
- A direct referral from your Property Manager.
One application per year will be considered however, subsequent applications will be accepted under exceptional circumstances.
One application per year will be considered however, subsequent applications will be accepted under exceptional circumstances.
PRAP Plus is a new initiative that works in conjunction with the already existing Private Rental Assistance Program (PRAP).
PRAP Plus is aimed at providing support to households accessing or already residing in private rental. PRAP Plus is an outreach service for households living or entering private rental tenancies that require additional practical support to establish or maintain their current housing.
The service components of the PRAP Plus Program are to establish tenancies in the private rental market, intervening when tenancies are at risk and capacity building. PRAP Plus will utilise already existing relationships with local real estates and link in with appropriate support services within the local community.
PRAP Plus is designed to:
- Provide time-limited outreach intervention to support tenancies
- Address issues which are contributing to the risk of tenancy breakdown
- Achieve outcomes that lead to successful and sustainable private rental tenancies
- Reduce preventable exits from private rental
- Prevent homelessness
The PRAP Plus Outreach aligns with PRAP providing a hands on approach for a more tailored program in the prevention of homelessness within the Inner Gippsland area.